Standing alone in the wildlands,
a castle keep has been overrun
Map 1: Gate to Glory
Tall stone towers lit bright with fire and a crudely-made spiked wooden fence creates an impenetrable barrier from outside intruders.
Vibrant red banners hang beside the gate entrance, which is adorned with huge bones and an enormous skull perched atop for all to see, a warning sign for anyone who threatens to enter.

Map 2: Shadow Camp

Three rugged shelters compiled of timber, skins, and rope encircles a small campfire in the center of the site where guards rest and keep watch throughout the evening.
Elevated watchtowers, spiked timber walls, and deadly barricades enclose the area to protect intruders from infiltrating the keep any further.
Map 3: Tyrant's Throne
Decorated with banners and streamers, spiked walls and barriers stand between a rickety platform that supports the prestigious Tyrant's Throne.
The ruler of this keep commands their underlings from the prickly wooden chair as protectors ensure their safety from atop the wooden watchtowers.