Compact battle arenas designed for solo combat!
Map 1: Warrior Valley
You've been captured by a tribe of vicious orcs. The only way to escape is to challenge their mighty leader to a one on one battle.
Prove your worth among the most brutal of warriors. Fight for your life, or die trying.

Map 2: Death Pit

Deep within a mountain, you ascend up a flight of endless stairs until you reach a hexagon-shaped stone battle platform.
Looking over the edge, the drop down appears hundreds of feet below. A fall from this height would be nearly impossible to survive.
Map 3: Guild Hall
Patrons from all stretches of the lands occupy this secret fighting pit. Money and trinkets are being gambled away, looking to a bloody fight to settle all the bets.
Lamps hung from high above give light to the combat within the dirt-covered arena. Two challengers enter, but only one can come out the champion.